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BitBook Pays

Accept online payments with BitBook Lite

Este producto se encuentra cerrado al público

Second level

We use the powers of the existing platform

Frase mapeche

BitBook Pays is a second-rate payment processor, as it does not directly process payments, but uses other processors to handle payments.
This makes it easier for the developer to integrate the system into their platform.

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A powerful way to connect

Frase mapeche

BitBook Pays consists of an API written in PHP with which you can connect to the platform to create and process online payments.
You can make AJAX connections, through JavaScript, or CURL connections, through PHP (or other server languages).

Look at the documentation

Link to secure payments

Payments are processed on the BitBook Lite platform

Frase mapeche

When you work with the BitBook Pays API, you will create products to sell, which can be created through the API or at checkout.
Then, you redirect the user to the url provided by the API, to make the payment in BitBook Lite, and return to your website, where you can check if the payment was made successfully.

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BitBook Pays: acepta pagos en tu página web

BitBook Lite ha creado una herramienta que te permite aceptar pagos en tu web mediante la infraestructura de nuestra plataforma.
Con una API diseñada en PHP, podrás manejar de forma automática los pagos online en tu página web o tienda en línea.

¿Cómo funciona?

BitBook Pays usa la plataforma de BitBook Lite para procesar los pagos.
¿Qué quiere decir?
Que tus usuarios pagarán por tu producto como si pagaran por un libro en BitBook Lite, y tu prodrás llevar el control de esto por medio de una API.